Monday, 25 May 2009
Who'll Be The Next In Line?
Friday, 15 May 2009
Rock the Casbah
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Flamin' Groovies
Sunday, 12 April 2009
78 Stone Wobble
The Locomotion
Sunday, 5 April 2009
'Con'-fide in me
"I'm back once again with the ill behaviour! Yeah.... right, for my second review I'm going to step firmly into the current Classics 2.0/Universe/25th Anniversary series. Following on from the success of classics, Hasbro decided that they hadn't milked the cash cow quite enough and produced another filler line, but this time, they had a cunning plan. Repaints! Endless miles of repaints! Hmm, but how, asked a naive apprentice working his first and probably last day at the company, but how can we get the normally savvy Transformers fan base to accept these repaints as their favourite characters without them fragging us endlessly on forums? Well, replied the line manager, we won't have them as their favourite characters, we'll do them as....... Micromasters! Micromasters? Yeah, Micromasters, no one will remember what they originally looked like, or which faction they represented! Brilliant, roll out those boxes boys, I've just made us another million....
Or something like that. You see, classics featured all new molds. The entire line was new (with the exception of Devastator but the less said about him the better). Fantastic new toys to experiment with and fall in love with once again. There were repaints, but they were from within the line and, for the most part, expected and normally store exclusives. Prime as Magnus, Bumblebee as Cliffjumper, Starscream as Skywarp. These are accepted in the Transformers universe. And then 2.0 came along and we saw more and more repaints and fewer and fewer new figures. The series is knocking on the door of 9 months old and the UK still hasn't seen the first new mold voyager (Inferno for those who don't know). We have seen 7, count them, 7 repaints in voyager form. Blaster, Overload, Leo Prime, Heavy Load, Treadbolt, Blades and, my review subject for the day, Dropshot. Now for those who don't own ANY Unicron Trilogy toys, this isn't too bad a thing. Blades looks like G1 Blades and the Cybertron Evac toy it's based on was excellent to begin with. But when we are getting repaints of repaints then even the most patient fan can get a little tetchy. Dropshot started life as Cybertron Defense Scattorshot and has since become Autobot Overload and now Botcon exclusive Flak, which is the only character he should have been repainted as! And they even got the colour scheme wrong on him because they have plastered it all over Overload!!! Anyway....

Maybe I'm being a little harsh on Dropshot. He isn't a bad toy by any means, but after the excellent range in classics and the fabulous deluxes and ultras in 2.0, he feels dated. He truly feels like a Cybertron toy. Which is a shame because with some thought the mold could have been used to great success. I got him for two reasons, firstly, I needed more 'Cons as the classics line is massively 'Bot heavy unless you own the Botcon 'Games of Deception' or the HTS exclusives and secondly because he cost me $6.49 brand new. The equivalent to £4. And I'm still this bitter about him. I wouldn't say write the mold off, but I would recommend getting the Autobot Overload version and call him Flak, at least that way he is a true 'classic' representation."

(I'm A) King Bee
There's not a lot going on inside the cab, but the seats work quite well, and the jetski trailer is a fun accessory. After a simple but slick transformation we have Bumblebee.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Don't Look Back In Anger.
"So, my first review and it's Big Bad himself, the mighty maniacal Megatron. The Classics line was always going to feature the Decepticon's supreme Leader and in the end we got 2 of them! This is the voyager class figure, released at the same time as the voyager Optimus Prime to provide the direct competition for the Autobot. In the first Classics line, with the exception of Devastator, voyager class was the largest figures available, the reason being, one can assume, that being a filler line between Cybertron and the (then) upcoming big screen blast, Hasbro figured that the line wouldn't draw sales and larger figures would end up shelfwarming in the same way that some of the supreme and ultra classes had done through out the Unicron Trilogy. Hasbro, of course, couldn't have been more wrong and the line was an unprecedented success, paving the way for the current classics 2.0/universe line.

Anyway, back on track. As one of the line's most iconic figures, Megatron needed to stand out, he needed to be 'classic'. And he is. We have, finally, got a gun Megatron again. Not a tank, not a plane, not a dragster, not a bloody floating head. A gun. Admittedly not a Walther P-38 as he was in Generation One, but appears to be based on the Nerf N-Strike Blaster, more than likely the only reason that he got past the notoriously difficult U.S gun regulations. Irony, in it's purest form. And in gun mode, Megatron works. He just looks fantastic. As he looks more 'space' gun-ish, his colour scheme reflects that. Plenty of grey, maybe a little light in shade but good never the less and a large amount of purple and black. His classics colour scheme always reminds me of Galvatron and, if I'm honest, I think it fits the figure much better than the Henkei! Henkei! japanese release. And the Energon green areas around the barrel really work, conjuring up images of Shockwave's nuclear powered blaster, crammed into Megatron's fusion cannon. The scope is excellent, featuring working sights, (how can you have working sights?) and the gun fits nicely into your hand, the trigger producing a healthy click when you pull it. The only downside is the orange cap on the barrel and scope, and for 2 reasons. Firstly, it looks crap (thank you U.S gun regulations) and secondly, the colour fades rapidly. I've had mine for almost 18 months and you can tell a real difference in the shades of orange.

Now, I don't own the original Generation 1 Megatron, but I do the Masterpiece and I imagine they are fairly similar in process. If this is the case then this Megatron has bares a passing resemblance to his G1 counterpart's transformation. And boy is it a transformation. It's not often a figure leaves me scratching my head but I transformed this back into gun mode earlier and for the life of me I couldn't work it out. Trial and error or instructions, there is only one manly way. So, half an hour later....admittedly back to robot from gun is fairly simple, it's just a case of remembering which part of the dismembered mess is supposed to go where.

Overall, as Hellhound says, it's hard to fault the classics line. All the toys have been lovingly crafted to give an updated but faithful representation of fan favourites and Megatron is no exception. Like Grimlock and Prime, inspiration hasn't just been taken from the original G1 figure but from most of the history of Transformers, creating a figure that simply sums up the character. And aside from the positioning of the fusion cannon, all the gripes are easily over come with a Stanley knife and a Sharpie pen. Do yourself a favour and get this guy if you love Transformers. Heck, get the entire original classics line. They are truly fantastic."

Sunday, 29 March 2009
Concrete Schoolyard
Sunday, 22 March 2009
(I'm Not Your) Stepping Stone
The original Starscream transformed into a McDonnel Douglas F-15, and unsurprisingly, he still does. Not that you can get too specific, but Starscream is a single seater, which means that he is either an F-15A or an F-15C. As you can see in the picture, in plan the mode is really quite convincing. There is a plethora of detail, panel lines everywhere, I have no idea if it is accurate, but it looks good! If you have a look at the area around the air intakes / robot arms, you can see that the designers have even incorporated the conformal fuel tanks found on the F-15E.
The deco is clearly influenced by the original toy, but is quite different, as the red is applied in a completely different pattern. The G1 version also has blue tail planes, which this doesn't, while here we have a blue streak along the spine of the aircraft which wasn't present on the original. Armed with two launching missiles (moulded after the originals 'Null Ray'), the jet mode is pretty convincing... unless you see it from the front, where you are confronted with a gaping hole. Shame.
After a transformation that pays homage to the original Starscream toy, you are presented with a pretty good robot mode. Taking elements from the toy, the animation model and it would seem, Don Figueroa (the fans! the fans!) the figure looks exactly as it should. The downsides, such as they are, are the short, stubby arms which also have a restricted field of movement and the head, which also suffers from the same problem. With the exception of the nose cone, there is no kibble! Everything folds up neatly. The two missile launchers can be positioned on the arms as you would expect and they can also be held by the hands.
There's not too much else to say about Starscream. This is a solid mould, there is one glaring flaw, but other than that it is fine, if unspectacular. For me, Starcream is the Tramsformers equivalent of REM. Unfussy, solid, but a bit boring. A couple of decent albums and everyone loves them.
Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
The toy does exactly what it needs to - give it a push and it rolls along happily. Look closely at the windshield, and you'll see two seats and a steering wheel (on the wrong side ;)) The deco is clearly 'inspired' by the original, but doesn't follow it slavishly. It's worth noting that the blue plastic used is a lot lighter than the G1 toy, but the red is a decent match (as far as I remember. I must admit that I no longer have G1 Prime. In fact I'm not a fan of Primes, as a rule). The Henkei release is more G1 accurate, but as I don't have, or intend to buy, it I can't say too much.
There are two downsides to the vehicle mode, both of which a fairly minor. The rear of the lorry is clearly made up of legs and feet and the smokestacks are clearly gun barrels. As far as Transformers go, minor quibbles.
On to the robot mode. This is, in my opinion, the best Optimus Prime toy produced so far. The proportion's are fantastic - giving a sense of power, but keeping a sense of scale. As with most modern Transformers, the toy has a simple, but clever transformation which leaves only a couple of bits of kibble. Most of which, i.e. the vehicle mode's grill is tucked around the robots back, which leaves to portions of the cabin hanging off the arms. I don't particularly mind these, as they look like they could be some sort of shields.
Prime has fantastic articulation, counting each limb separately there are 13 points of articulation, giving a fantastic range of movement and poseability. He is also quite heavily armed, with a sub-machine gun and a, err, red blob, which is formed from the aerofoil section of the vehicle cab. The the two weapons can also be combined to form an over-the-shoulder cannon arrangement.
Rather than giving the toy star rating, or a number, I thought it'd be fun to compare it to someone or a band from the world of popular music. Classics Optimus Prime is... Queen (without Paul Rogers) - a popular, well executed, slick crowd-pleaser.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Shout From The Top
What is it? Well, the clue is in the title. However, the blog will (initially) concentrate on 'Classic' Transformers, by that I mean Transformers Classics released by Hasbro a couple of years ago, the current Transformers Universe line and Takara's Henkei line. I intend to review the majority of Transformers from these lines.
There may be posts on other, random, Transformers & Transformers related stuff. I hope that this blog will be entertaining for me and the reader (yes, you. I only expect one), and I may well comment, in passing, on other stuff. Anything I do post is my opinion, and shouldn't cause offence. If it does, give me a slap.
One last thing, I aim to name each post after a song (not necessarily songs I like either) and the song will probably have no relation to the content of the post what so ever.
To start things off, TFW2005 have posted a translated interview with some of Transformers designers. It makes for an interesting read.